Well, readers i am back after a long time with an update of my Blog. Sorry to keep you waiting guys.This post is a gist of a workshop attended by me on Web Marketing by Mr.Ramesh Narshiman, an alumnus of IIM-k.So i think this might help you in enhancing your marketing skills.
A Marketer should be smart enough to understand the trend of the consumers,the changing needs and buying behavioral patterns of the consumers.So, not wasting much of the time, let me give you some of the Smart Marketing techniques.
The first thing a Marketer must think about
becoming popular.Popularity doesn't come by itself.Its necessary that a company should have a blog in its website and keep it active. This helps in interaction with its customers and also know the needs or problems of the prospect.And this also creates a database of prospects for the marketer.The marketer should also contribute in blogs and articles in his domain.This helps to grab attention of the readers.
The next technique of becoming popular is a marketer should participate in all the events relating to his business like trade fairs,or any online events etc. This brings the brand to the notice of people.The other technique of popularity is to enroll and compete in competitions and write about it in his blog.
Now, secondly how to get the
Brand Noticed..??- Make sure to add your logo everywhere(emails, T-shirts,laptops etc..)
- Speak up in local events, communities.
- Carry your brand through your employees.
- Try to be an expert in your domain.
- Ads trough Hoardings, signboards, pamphlets, newspapers, Magazines etc.
The final technique is to retain your customers by giving discounts to your existing customers that leads to customer referrals, and also don't forget to involve your customers in discussions.
I hope this post would have given you some marketing techniques rather than thinking about traditional marketing techniques.